The branches and foreign exchange administrative departments of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) in all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the SAFE branches in Shenzhen, Dalian, Qingdao, Xiamen, and Ningbo; and all designated Chinese-funded foreign exchange banks:
根据《国家外汇管理局关于实行企业货物贸易项下外债登记管理有关问题的通知(汇发[2008]30号)相关规定,国家外汇管理局制定了《贸易信贷登记管理(延期付款部分)操作指引(见附件),现下发给你们,请遵照实行。 In accordance with the provisions of the Circular of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Relevant Issues Concerning the Implementation of the Administration of Registration of External Debts under the Trade in Goods of Enterprises (No.30 [2008]), SAFE draws up Trade Credit Registration Administration (for Deferred Payments) Operation Guideline (see Appendix), which is issued now and please implement it.
Based on characteristics of trade credit activities and international income and expenses trend, SAFE determines approval principle and standards of an enterprise’s yearly foreign payment of deferred payment. SAFE authorizes branches and foreign exchange administrative departments to approve foreign payment amount of deferred payment, and gives corresponding authorizations to center sub-branches and branches as appropriate.