I think over the years when I’ve seen players retire, when you ask them about it, they always say ‘you’ll know when you’re ready’. And I think I know when I’m ready. I think I’m ready. Obviously it’s a difficult decision because I still like I can play at the top level and still have done for the last six months. But I always said to myself that I want to go out at the top. 我认为这么多年,我看到过很多球员退役,我问他们的时候,他们总是这样说,当时候到了,你自然会知道的。我想现在是时候了。这当然是一个艰难的决定,因为我感觉仍能发挥最高水平,就像过去这六个月一样,但我一直悄悄对自己说,我想要达到顶峰时离开。
I love the game so much, you know how much we love the game, but I dunno. It’s the right time, I believe it’s the right time. But I’ll always feel like I can do more, that’s the problem. 我很喜欢足球运动,这你也知道,但说不清楚。我相信现在选择退役正合适。但我总感觉我还能做得更多,这就是所在的问题。
It’s every athlete’s dream, it’s every footballer’s dream to go out on the top, on top form or winning a trophy. It doesn’t happen that often. It doesn’t happen that often. But I’ve lucky. Obviously, when I left United we won the league, when I left Madrid we won the league, leaving the Galaxy, we’d done two years of winning the championship there, and then obviously coming here and winning the league, it’s nice to go out like that. 这是每个运动员的梦想,每个球员的梦想,能在顶峰时或是赢得了奖杯后告别,我很幸运,当我离开曼联时,大家是英格兰足球超级联赛冠军;当我离开皇马时,大家赢得了西班牙足球甲级联赛,离开银河时,大家连续两年拿到联赛冠军;然后在巴黎,又赢得了联赛冠军。
played for my country 115 times, been runner-up twice in the World Player of the Year, I’m very proud of that. 我还为我的国家出场了115次,两次在世界足球先生评选中获得第二名,我对此非常骄傲。