就日本右翼政党维新会共同代表、大阪市市长桥下彻提出“慰安妇(comfort women)制度是必要的存在”这一妄言联合国表示强烈的谴责。联合国主管社会经济事务的委员会21日发表报告,要求日本政府管控国内针对二战时被强征comfort women的中伤言论。下面是新语丝4118COM云顶集团整理翻译的中英对照相关资讯翻译报道:

said State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki:Mayor Hashimoto's comments were outrageous and offensive。 美国国务院发言人Jen Psaki称:桥下彻市长的言论让人无法容忍且令人作呕。
The Japanese government has sought to distance itself from Hashimoto's comments. 日本政府极力与桥下相关言论保持距离,称与其并无干系。
The remarks by Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto drew strong criticism from China and South Korea, two nations sensitive to what they see as any attempt to excuse Japanese abuses before and during the war. 桥下彻的言论遭到中国和韩国强烈谴责,中韩两国对日本在二战前及二战期间所犯恶行开脱的企图都非常敏感。
Historians estimate that as many as 200,000 sex slaves, known as comfort women, were forced into submission in the Imperial Japanese Army's brothels during the war. 历史学家估计数字,二战前和二战期间有多达20万女性沦为日军“慰安妇”。