For the administration of the procurement procedures, the purchaser will as a rule commission an independent qualified consultant[1] whose tasks include the preparation of the bidding documents, the evaluation of the bids, assistance to the purchaser in the contract award as well as in the drafting of, and negotia-tions on, the contracts.

The purpose of the bidding documents is to inform potential bidders about the goods and services required, the terms and conditions on which they are to be provided, and the time period allowed for delivery. The documents should be drawn up in such a manner as to ensure fair competition with equal opportunities to all bidders. While scope and substance of the documents depend on the individual project they should normally include: general information about the project; design documents ensuring the neutrality of technical specifications; sample form of tender; general and specific conditions of contract; technical specifications and bill of quantities or, in particular cases, performance specifications; standard forms of bid bond, advance payment bond, and performance bond.
The terms and conditions should clearly and unequivocally specify the obliga-tions to be undertaken by the successful bidder. This applies above all to the volume of goods and services, place of performance, liability, warranties, and public charges to be borne by the bidder.
The bidding documents should also state whether alternative bids are acceptable and indicate the standards to be complied with as well as the units of measurement to be used in the bid.