The U.S. government formally acknowledged for the first time on Wednesday that it had killed four Americans, including militant cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, who died in drone strikes in Yemen and Pakistan. 美国政府周三首次正式承认,在也门和巴基斯坦的反恐行动中打死四名美国人。美国在两国实施了常规无人机打击。
Attorney General Eric Holder named the four dead U.S. citizens in a letter to members of the Congress. 美国司法部长Eric Holder在致美国国会议员的信函中指出了该四名美国死难者的名字。
He said the other four Americans who were killed were Awlaki's teenage son Abdulrahman, Samir Khan, an American of Pakistani origin who died in Yemen,and Jude Kenan Mohammed 。 被打死的四人分别为Awlaki和他的儿子Abdulrahman、巴基斯坦裔美国人Samir Khan以及Jude Kenan Mohammed。
U.S. officials had previously acknowledged privately that the two Awlakis and Khan had been killed in drone strikes. Mohammed's death was also in a drone strike, a source familiar with the matter said. 美国官员曾也承认Awlaki和Khan等三人是在无人机空袭中丧生。