关于日本大阪市长桥下彻提出“慰安妇(comfort women)制度是必要的存在”这一言论日本首相小安在国会公开道歉,新语丝4118COM云顶集团追踪小安在国会道歉的中英双语报告:
Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has apologised in parliament for the country's use of women as sex slaves during World War II. 日本首相安倍晋三已在国会就二战时期日本强征女性为慰安妇的做法做出道歉。
His statement has gone a little further than similar attempts to clarify his position two weeks ago, but is unlikely to satisfy all his critics abroad, the BBC's Chris Hogg in Tokyo says. BBC驻东京记者Chris Hogg说,这一声明比起安倍两周前为表明立场所做的类似努力似乎有进一步的发展,但仍不大可能满足国外的所有批评者。
"I apologise here and now as prime minister." Mr Abe told parliament。 安倍告诉国会:“我以首相的身份就此(慰安妇言论)道歉。”
Mr Abe provoked an angry reaction earlier this month after questioning whether there was any proof that the Japanese military kidnapped women to work as sex slaves during the war. 本月早些时候,日本首相安倍晋三声称日军在二战期间强征妇女充当慰安妇这一说法缺乏证据,这一言论激怒了世界人民。
Mr Abe's latest remarks in parliament have been made to clear up any misunderstanding and not as a result of outside pressure, 安倍最近在议会所做的言论意图澄清任何误解,而非迫于外界压力的影响。