Daimler-Benz is the largest auto maker in Germany renowned worldwide for expensive but elite “Mercedes-Benz” cars.
As the auto giant of the longest history, Daimler-Benz boasts century-old auto brand. The “Mercedes-Benz” cars with a 3-folk-star logos at any place of the world all embody such brand value, i.e. the symbol of personal accomplishment, combination of safety and comfort, integrity of classics and permanence. For years, Daimler-Benz launched endless list of patents and technical innovations, won numerous world No.1 ever since 1900, and has contributed heavily to the global auto industry, which are just the causes underlying the permanent popularity of Benz cards.
It proves that the cars made by Daimler-Benz are durable, comfortable, safe and fashionable as a kind of elite-quality product popular with both Chinese and other customers around the world.
Nowadays, Mercedes-Benz cars are acclaimed as the model of the global auto industry. 6.4 million customers worldwide boast some 9.5 million Mercedes-Benz cars, with 120,000 in China alone, thus making China a major member of the Asia market.